Pair of Vintage Old School Fru

Phan mem s60v2 viet hoa



UCWEB- Viet Hoa.sis 609kb phan mem luot web cuc nhanh.
Shutdown v1.0 Viet Hoa.sis 7,77kb phan mem ho tro tat nguon va khoi dong lai may, co the chon theo thoi gian tat hoac khoi dong lai.
Flash UI V1.1.0 S60V2 OS8 Viet Hoa by Zunlynken.sis 811kb phan mem tao giao dien kha dep cho S60v2 OS8.
SafeNote V1.56 S60 Viet Hoa.sis 56kb phan mem quan ly ghi chu bang mat khau.
InTop v2.7.0 Viet Hoa.sis 553kb phan mem theo doi Ram, luong % Pin, Song, Bluetooth... tren bat ky cua so. Bao thuc, chuyen doi ngon ngu, hen gio restart, khoa ban phim, bao gio bang giong noi tieng viet...
Fastcall V2.03 Viet Hoa.sis 26kb phan mem giup tim so dien thoai can goi cuc nhanh, tiet kiem thoi gian tim kiem.
XPGT V2.0.0 Viet Hoa.sis 21kb phan mem tao chu chay tren man hinh voi nhieu tuy chinh ve mau sac van ban, mau nen, toa do...
sAnswer v2.04 Viet Hoa.sis 62kb phan mem tra loi dien thoai tu dong giong nhu hop thu thoai da Viet Hoa nhung chua hoan chinh.
RescoViewer v4.30 key 11111 Viet Hoa.sis 151kb phan mem xem va trinh dien anh co chuc nang cat, thay doi kich thuoc anh.
Bo go tieng Viet - Trung.sis 472kb Bo go tieng Viet va Trung Quoc ho tro cho S60v2 OS7 OS8.
N-SMS V1.1.1 Viet Hoa.sis 277kb phan mem gui tin nhan da chuc nang. Gui tin nhan kem pass, gui 1 tin nhan cho nhieu nguoi, gui tn hen thoi gian, gia lap tn nhan duoc trong inbox giong nhu that.
AnimSprite V2.0.2 S60 Full VH.sis 257kb phan mem tao anh dong truoc man hinh nen.
Hinh 918kb ban hay tai bo suu tap anh dong 51 hinh cho phan mem AnimSprite nhe.
MCleaner V1.41 code 55092411 or 46998375.sis 88,8kb phan mem chan cuoc goi, chan tin nhan (khong co chuc nang tra loi tu dong) key dang ky: 55092411 hoac 46998375.
Advanced Device Lock V1.0 Viet Hoa.sis 42kb phan mem dat pass cho nhung ung dung khong muon cho nguoi khac xem. Pass mac dinh: 0000.
Smart Settings V1.14 S60 FP2 Viet Hoa.sis 58,5kb phan mem khoa ban phim, mo ban phim bang phim tat, mo ung dung nhanh...
Smart setings 15 bar all 121kb thay the icon start cua Smart setings truoc man hinh bang thanh windows. Duong dan: C:/system/apps/Smartseting/Smartseting.mbm.
MumSMS V4.16 Viet Hoa.sis 94,66kb phan mem an dau nhung tin nhan sms ma khong muon cho nguoi khac xem.
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